The size of database does not reflect in the app memory consumed.

The database files are stored in the device under


To acccess the DB from emulator in android3.x, click on device explorer in the bottom right corner of the screen

Create store and retrieve info

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        try {
            SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase = this.openOrCreateDatabase("Users", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);

            //Storing data
            //comment after first execution
            //NOTE : Database names and table names are different
            // INT(3) is an integer field with max 3 digits
            sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (name VARCHAR,age INT(3))");
            sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("INSERT INTO users (name,age) VALUES ('ABC',34)");
            sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("INSERT INTO users (name,age) VALUES ('XYZ',4)");

            //Retrieving data

            Cursor c = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM users", null);

            int nameIndex = c.getColumnIndex("name");
            int ageIndex = c.getColumnIndex("age");

            //The cursor starts before the first result row,
            // so on the first iteration this moves to the first result if it exists
            while (c.moveToNext()) {
                Log.i("name ", c.getString(nameIndex));
                Log.i("age ", String.valueOf(c.getInt(ageIndex)));
        }catch (Exception e){

Delete database


Basic SQL queries

Raw queries

1) Simple condition

sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(SELECT * FROM users WHERE age < 18)

2) Combining conditions

sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'kk' AND age = 22)

3) Matching patterns and limiting results

/* Find rows with name starting with A and limit results to 1 */
sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE 'A%' LIMIT 1)
/* find rows with name that has letter 'o' */
sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%o%')

Execution Queries

1) Create table

/*  // INT(3) is an integer field with max 3 digits */
sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (name VARCHAR,age INT(3))")

2) Create table with PRIMARY KEY : Primary key is automatically updated everytime an entry is added

sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS newusers (name VARCHAR, age INT(3), id INT PRIMARY KEY)");

3) Delete entry : If more than one UVW are present, all are deleted. Cant use LIMIT with DELETE in sqllite

sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("DELETE FROM users WHERE name = 'UVW'");

4) Update entry

sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("UPDATE users SET age=2 WHERE name='XYZ'");

5) Delete all rows from a table

sqLiteDatabase.execSQL("DELETE FROM users");

6) Using SQLstatements when looping through arrays

articleIDS = some array;
        titles = some array;
        urls = some array;

        String sql = "INSERT INTO cache (id,title,url) VALUES (? , ? , ?)";
        SQLiteStatement statement = sqLiteDatabase.compileStatement(sql);

        for(int i=0;i<articleIDs.size();i++){