Motor controllers


1) L298N

Sample sketch discussed below

2) Adafruit DRV8871

Sample sketch

3) Adafruit motor shield

Sample sketch

L298N Motor controller Sketch

/* Arduino   |   L298N 
 * ---------------------
 *   GND     |   GND
 *   2       |   DIRECTION2
 *   3       |   PWM2
 *   4       |   DIRECTION1
 *   5       |   PWM1
 *           |   OUT1  --> Motor 1 wire 1
 *           |   OUT2  --> Motor 1 wire 2
 *           |   OUT3  --> Motor 2 wire 1
 *           |   OUT4  --> Motor 2 wire 2
 *           |   +12V  --> 5V power supply 
 *           |   GND   --> GND power supply
 * More information
 * ----------------
 * L298N datasheet:
 *  Created on May 28 2017 by Peter Dalmaris

int speed1     = 5; //Controls speed (PWM) for motor 1
int direction1 = 4; //Controls direction for motor 1
int speed2     = 3; //Controls speed (PWM) for motor 2
int direction2 = 2; //Controls direction for motor 2

bool direction = HIGH;  // Start the motor by moving it towards one direction. Whether it is
                        // clockwise or anticlockwise depends on how you have connected the 
                        // motor's coil.

void setup() 
    pinMode(direction1, OUTPUT);  
    pinMode(speed1, OUTPUT);  
    pinMode(direction2, OUTPUT);  
    pinMode(speed2, OUTPUT);  

void loop() 
    digitalWrite(direction1,direction);   // Direction control motor 1
    digitalWrite(direction2,direction);   // Direction control motor 2
    analogWrite(speed1, 205);              // PWM Speed Control motor 1
    analogWrite(speed2, 150);             // PWM Speed Control motor 2
    analogWrite(speed1, 100);             // PWM Speed Control motor 1
    analogWrite(speed2, 200);             // PWM Speed Control motor 2
    analogWrite(speed1, 150);             // PWM Speed Control motor 1
    analogWrite(speed2, 255);             // PWM Speed Control motor 2

    direction = !direction;               // Switch direction
    analogWrite(speed1, 0);               // Stop motor 1 before starting again in the opposite direction
    analogWrite(speed2, 0);               // Stop motor 2 before starting again in the opposite direction