Modifying admin page

The template files that are used for admin page are found in git hub, under the following directory structure


The template files to be modifyed are placed under templates/admin from the top level directory in your project folder with the same correxponding name


To modify the title and headings, modify base_site.html

{%  extends "admin/base.html"  %}

<!-- Modify title here -->
{%  block title  %} Admin - Rental Registration {%  endblock  %}

{%  block branding  %}
<!-- modify heading here -->
<h1 id="site-name"><a href="{%  url 'admin:index'  %}">Video Rental</a></h1>
{%  endblock  %}
{%  block nav-global  %}{%  endblock  %}

Modifying the ordering and visibility of model fields in Admin table

To do this, we create a new class in and register this class along with the model

The name of this class should be name of model followed by 'Admin' and inherit from admin.ModelAdmin

# Create your models here.
class Movie(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=256)
    length = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    release_year = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    #Without this, the name of data in the table will be 'movie object'
    def __str__(self):
        return self.title


#to reorder the fields in the detail view of Movie object in admin interface
# The name of this class should be name of model followed by 'Admin'
class MovieAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    fields = ['release_year','title']

#Register this class along with your original model,MovieAdmin)

To do this we add a variable search_fields in ModelAdmin class

class MovieAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    fields = ['release_year','title']

    #Displays a search box and helps searching my movie title or length
    search_fields = ['title','length']

Adding filters

In the ModelAdmin class

#Adding filters
    # Not all fields can be appropriate for filters
    #used for only categorical fields
    list_filter = ['release_year']

Displaying additional fields in the list view page of the models

In ModelAdmin class

#Displays additional fields in the list view page of the model
    list_display = ['title','release_year','length']

Editing fields in list view of the model

In ModelAdmin class

#List of fields that are allowed to be editable in list view of the model
    #NOTE : This set should be a subset of list_display
    list_editable = ['length']