Common commands

docker run [image name] [override start up command]

Default start up command (that will be executed inside that container) can also be defined in the image. The command should be availble in the file system snapshot of the image.

The image is pulled from the hub if it is not locally available

The run command creates the file system snapshot of the image in the hard drive

Eg, pull the image busybox and run the command ls (defined within the image) : lists the files in the file system snapshot of the image

docker run busybox ls

    bin  dev  etc  home  proc  root

docker ps

Commonly used to get the container id (different from image id)

docker ps

Lists all running container

docker ps --all

Lists all the containers that have been run

docker images

Lists all images available locally

docker images

To remove an image

docker rmi [IMAGE_NAME]

Container Life Cycle

docker run = docker create + docker start

#Creates the FS and execution command and outputs the container ID 
    docker create busybox ls
#Start that container (executes the command ls)
    docker start -a [CONTAINER_ID]
#Running without -a does not print the output to terminal (Runs in background)
    docker start [CONTAINER_ID]
#However, we can get the output with docker logs command
    docker logs [CONTAINER_ID]

docker run creates a new container everytime. To restart the old container, get the container id from ps command and use docker start -a [CONTAINER_ID]

#Stops the running container
    docker stop [CONTAINER_ID] #Process stops after its work is done. Invokes kill after 10s
    docker kill [CONTAINER_ID] #Force stop

To delete all containers and unreferenced images

docker system prune

Executing commands on running containers

We ll demonstrate this use case with redis (This is a common usecase while working on servers)

In terminal 1

docker run redis
    #Starts redis server and keeps running. We are not able to type additional commands in this terminal
    docker run -d redis #runs the server in background and lets you use the same terminal

To run additional command in this container, open terminal 2

        docker ps
        #user docker exec
        # -it opens an (shell) environment where we can interact with the container
        # -i connects the STDIN to the container
        # -t makes the output appear formatted
        docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] redis-cli
        #opens client>>

To open linux env shell

docket exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] sh #can also use bash instead of sh, if it is defined
@ redis-cli #assuming redis-server is up and running

Can also open shell with run

docker run -it busybox sh